Holy Ramzan: I’tikaf

Abdul Muqit Chowdhury :
The days of Maghfirat (forgiveness) conclude with 20th day of fasting. The third part of Holy Ramzan, called Nazat (salvation) begins on the 21st.
I’tikaf is a special worship and part of Sunnah. The period of I’tikaf begins before the sunset of the 20th Ramzan and it continues till the sighting of the moon of the month of Shawal. Holy Eid-ul-Fitr is celebrated
on the 1st day of Shawal. The word ‘I’tikaf’ is derived from the root ‘Ukuf’ meaning ‘to stick to something’ or ‘place’. ‘I’tikaf means ‘confining’ or ‘staying’. In practice it is a retreat in the Mosque.
The ‘Mu’takif’ (who observes I’tikaf) withdraws from the worldy activities or engagements in complete seclusion in the corner of the Mosque for purification of soul to achieve love of Allah and also to have the special blessings and mercy of the night of Qadr. For women, however, the home is the best place for I’tikaf.
In the 125th verse of Sura Baqara ‘retreat’ has been stated in the following words: “or use as a retreat’. The 187th verse of the same Sura directs the Mu’takif to avoid association with wife, to remain far from sexual enjoyments : ” … But. do not associate/ With your wives /While ye are in retreat/ In the mosques. Those are/ Limits (set by) God : Approach not nigh thereto … “
Allama Yusuf Ali concludes his comments: “so, that all carnal temptations may be avoided.”
Rasulullah (Sm) said, “He who performs I’tikaf in the last ten days of Ramzan, it will be of the same merit of two Hajj and two Umra for him”. (Baihaqi, Durre Mansur)
During this period the rozadars get the opportunity of searching the night of Qadr in the uneven nights.
Observance of I’tikaf is ‘Sunnate Muakkada Kefaya.’ ‘Kefaya’ demands : If some people in a locality in a Mosque observe it, this will do. But, if none observes, all will be sinners for deviation.
Hazrat Abu Hurayra (Ra) narrated: “Hazrat Muhammad (Sm) regularly observed last 10 days I’tikaf in every Ramzan, and in the year of his death he observed I’tikaf for 20 days (Bukhari and Abu Daud Sharif), because he missed I’tikaf in the previous year for some reasons.” (Tirmizi, Abu Daud and Ibne Maza Sharif)
The aim of I’tikaf is to attain spiritual fulfilment and Salvation for the life hereafter by achieving love and satisfaction of Allah. Nothing more can be the mission of a believer who observes fasting only for his/her loyalty and allegiance to the Will and Commandments of Allah. The best period of fasting is the last part of Ramzan and the observance of I’tikaf offers the Mu’takif Allah’s Mercy, Forgiveness and Salvation.
Hazrat Ayesha (Ra) said, “Rasulullah (Sm) performed I’tikaf always in the last ten days. He observed it till he breathed his last. After his death, his wives continued the tradition of I’tikaf.” (Bukhari, Muslim and Abu Daud Sharif).
According to Holy Hadith, it is better for women to confine themselves in the corner of their house and dedicate in rituals where they offer prayer.