Italy death toll jumps to 233


Anadolu Agency, Roma :
The death toll in Italy from the novel coronavirus surged to 233 on Saturday after 36 more fatalities were confirmed in the last 24 hours, according to an official.
Civil protection chief Angelo Borelli said the number of COVID-19 cases rose to 5,061 while the total number of affected, including deaths and recoveries, reached 5,883.
Borrelli said that 36 more deaths were recorded over the past 24 hours, adding that some 589 people have recovered so far. The authorities said that as of Saturday, the number of patients in intensive care was 567.
According to local media, patients in Italy’s northern Lombardy region, where the most cases have been recorded, could be transferred to other regions.
The country has suspended all schools and universities until mid-March amid the outbreak.
To prevent further infection, the government has discouraged handshaking as well as taking part in sporting events, with many large gatherings suspended and those older than 65 advised to stay at home.
First detected in Wuhan, China in December, COVID-19 is now present in over 80 countries worldwide.
The global death toll is nearing 3,500, with around 100,000 confirmed cases, according to the World Health Organization (WHO).
It has since spread to over 80 countries and the WHO, which declared the outbreak an international health emergency, recently updated its global risk assessment to “very high.”
