Fee hike in varsities: ‘It will destroy aspect of education’

UNB, Dhaka :
While the government is pursuing a policy to cut public expenditure on education and research in public universities, the insufficient allocations are also wasted in unplanned recruitment and promotion of teachers and staff, observed former student leaders.
They voiced a serious concern as the university authorities are trying to raise various student fees and open high-cost evening programmes with alibis to cover up the lack of public finance, making the higher education a buyable product like anything in the market and thus pushing it out of the reach of the majority people.
Nagarik Oikya convener and former vice president of Dhaka University Central Students’ Union (DUCSU) Mahmudur Rahman Manna told UNB that the recent moves by the authorities
to increase the cost of higher education as well as to shift the burden onto the shoulders of students enrolled in public universities reflect ‘irresponsibility’ of the government.
“A huge rise in student fees as it has been undertaken by the authorities in various public universities in recent times is totally illogical and it’ll destroy the ethical aspect of education,” he said.
“The recent tendency to increase the fee of higher education reflects that the government is shirking its responsibility to ensure the access to education to all,” Manna added.
“It shows the ethical bankruptcy of subsequent governments as they’ve been failing to keep the cost of higher education within the general affordability,” Manna said adding, “And the factor that the unnecessary expenditure of the universities has increased due to unplanned recruitment. And the promotion of teachers and staff is also responsible for the motif.”