Iran bids to offset impact of sanctions by lessening reliance on oil

Xinhua, Tehran :
Iran should immune itself against the sanction pressures by resorting to resilience economy, Iran’s Supreme Leader Ayatollah Ali Khamenei was quoted as saying by leader’s official website Wednesday.
“You should disarm the enemy with the sanction tools. The reason is if you look at the enemy’s hands (to remove sanctions), the sanctions will remain,” Khamenei told a large group of his visitors.
The Iranian officials and government should know that if they sit back over the “principles and ideals,” it will help the enemy to advance further, Khamenei said.
The Iranian leader argued that the U.S. officials said in the recent nuclear talks that even if Iran makes concessions over its nuclear issue, the sanctions will not be removed in full and overnight.
“Considering this reality, do you think we should trust the enemy?” he said, adding that “I am not against the negotiations, but I believe we should rely on the facts, not on the illusions.”
Therefore, “the only way to limit the enemy’s maneuver is to immune Iran against sanctions. This is the real meaning of resilience economy. To implement this is the main responsibility of the Iranian officials,” he said.
Khamenei reiterated his earlier remarks about reducing dependency on oil revenues, saying that “We should rely on the nation and the local potentials, so that if the enemy did not remove the sanctions, the progress and the welfare of the people cannot be hurt.”
Iran’s economy has suffered high inflation rates, less exports, a double-digit rate of unemployment and virtually a low growth over the past years due to the wide-scale sanctions by the western countries against its energy and financial sectors.
The West is suspicious of possible weapon-grade dimensions of Iran’s controversial nuclear program, which Tehran has vehemently dismissed.
Khamenei’s remarks are set against President Hassan Rouhani’s recent comments where he said that his country could not achieve development and economic boom in isolation from the outer world.
“We are in need of sustainable and multi-dimensional development, and, based on our experience, the country cannot maintain a sustainable growth in isolation,” Rouhani said when addressing an economic conference in Tehran on Sunday.