IOM appeals for $120m to help Rohingyas

UNB, Dhaka :
The UN Migration Agency – IOM-has appealed to the international community for US$ 119.77 million to provide desperately needed aid as over 500,000 newly arrived Rohingyas are now living in ‘dire conditions’ in Cox’s Bazar region.
The speed and the magnitude of the influx since August 25, when tens of thousands of Rohingya began fleeing violence in Norther Rakhine State of Myanmar has resulted in a critical humanitarian emergency.
The majority arrived with little or nothing, joining an estimated 300,000 that had fled in earlier waves of displacement.
IOM, at the request of the government of Bangladesh, has been leading the Inter Sector Coordination Group, which is coordinating the humanitarian response to the influx of Rohingya refugees.
This appeal outlines IOM’s funding requirement from September 2017 to February 2018 as part of the wider UN Humanitarian Response Plan, said the IOM on Wednesday.
IOM’s operations focus on coordination and five sectors of assistance shelter and core relief items, displacement site management, water, sanitation and hygiene (WASH), health, coordination, protection and communication with communities.
As well as the overall response, IOM leads the coordination of three specific sectors shelter and core relief items, site management and communicating with communities.
Prior to the latest influx, IOM was coordinating humanitarian assistance to some 200,000 refugees living in makeshift settlements in Cox’s Bazar and continues to support this population, as well as newer arrivals.
Lifesaving services delivered by IOM and its partner agencies include clean water and sanitation, shelter, food security, health care, education, and psychosocial support for the most vulnerable individuals, many whom are suffering from acute mental trauma or are survivors of sexual violence.
In Balukhali, Rahima waited in an aid distribution line. She carried what appeared to be a sleeping baby in her arms.
The little boy, Yunis, was fast asleep, oblivious to the commotion around him. He is two and a half years old, Rahima said, but the child in her arms, a tiny bundle of bones, with six fingers on each hand, looked so small and frail that one could have mistaken him to be an infant less than a year old.