Int’l workshop on Research Idea Development at DIU

Hrishikesh Chakroborty, Dr PH, Associate Professor, Director, Health Science Research Core, Director of Biostatistics and Epidemiology, University of South California, USA conducting a 3 day-long international workshop jointly organized by University of S
Hrishikesh Chakroborty, Dr PH, Associate Professor, Director, Health Science Research Core, Director of Biostatistics and Epidemiology, University of South California, USA conducting a 3 day-long international workshop jointly organized by University of S
Campus Report :
Speakers at a workshop stressed that the development of new medical treatments would not happen without public health research. Behind every discovery of a new medicine and treatment, contribution of public health research is unparallel. New drugs, new ways to treat old and new illness and new ways to prevent diseases in people at risk of developing them, can only result from public health research. They told these today while speaking at the closing ceremony of a three day long international workshop on “Research Idea Development”
University of South California, USA and Department of Public Health of Daffodil International University (DIU) jointly organized this 3 day-long international workshop on “Research Idea Development” which began last week at DIU Auditorium. Prof Dr Yousuf M Islam, Vice Chancellor, DIU presided over the program. Hrishikesh Chakroborty, Dr PH, Associate Professor, Director, Health Science Research core, Director of Biostatistics and Epidemiology, University of South California, USA was present as the keynote speaker in the workshop.
The workshop was also addressed by Prof Dr Ahmad Ismail Mustafa, Dean, of Faculty of Allied Health Sciences, Prof Dr MSA Monsur and Dr Md. Shahjahan, Head, Department of Public Health of Daffodil International University.