
It Needs Opportunity To Create More

Md. Muzibur Rahman :
Every year we observe the “Martyred Intellectuals Day” that had taken place on 14th December of 1971. But what do we learn from that event? We should know, inquire, investigate, learn, why and what had happened on the day. It was the last days of the then Pakistani rulers and Bangalee nation was about to get victory with the defeat of Pakistani rules. Pakistanis understood that Bangladesh will be independent soon. The Freedom Fighters would take action against the traitors, collaborators and Rajakars of the then East Pakistan. Pakistani military junta had planned to destroy the intellectual class so that Bengali nation could not stand raising head forever. They killed our intellectuals, university teachers, talents, different prominent cultural personalities, educationist, scientists etc.
If you want to damage or destruct of any family or a nation, you must first have to kill the intellectuals of that family or a nation because all the way of development will be stopped by their killings. The killing of the intellectuals was a dangerous damage to the nation. The damage includes psychological, physical, financial, material or name and fame for a nation. They (the intellectuals) could lead their family, society or the nation by their knowledge, wisdom and intellectualities. Intellectuality is the divine gift which is given by God or achieved by the grace of God. All men cannot be intellectuals because of various reasons. Intellectuals’ killing on 14th December was a great and deep conspiracy against newly born Bangladesh and Bangalee nation. When the Pakistani leaders understood that Bangladesh would achieve independence soon, they made a master plan with the collaborators or traitors of Bangladesh to kill the intellectuals of Bangladesh as many as possible.
They plotted, listed and identified the persons and placed to implement their planning and tried their best to kill maximum intellectuals. It is mentionable that even in the 1st World War or in the 2nd World War; no such numbers of intellectuals were killed in the whole world with such brutality. Our intellectuals are our future, invaluable assets who will lead the country in future. The nations of the world cultivate, protect and nurture their intellectuals for the sake of their own interests. We also should do the same for our own interests. We should remember that the intellectuals of Bangladesh are our worthy sons of our soil. An intellectual is an asset who is rich in knowledge, experience and wisdom, who can show the way of development in socio-economic, cultural development of the nation.
Among others, Sahidullah Kaiser, Munir Chowdury, Jahir Raihan, other Dhaka University’s teachers etc. did their contributions in different fields. They were pioneer, visionary leader, inventor, mentor, discoverer, dedicator for their contribution in different fields and in many ways they helped the country. They made happy themselves, society and the nation in intellectual ways. If they lived, they could shape the development of Bangladesh in a positive way. Bangladesh lags behind comparatively with other nations in many ways. After Liberation War, there were natural calamities, political instabilities, killings, theft, grafts — that prevailed everywhere.
Now we are on the right track. We should nurture our intellectuals in every way. In 14th December, 1971, intellectual killing was a dangerous damage to the nation. The intellectuals who would shape and architect for future development of the nation were brutally killed by the then Pakistani soldiers with the collaboration of Rajakar or traitors of the nation. The intellectual leads his family/society/the nation intelligently, predicts possible future happenings, innovates or discovers new theories of progress, prosperity and the developments of the country. They are our golden sons, our resources, our bright future and worthy sons.
If we look to the world, we will see that the developed nations create, nurture, discover, give incentives and provide opportunities for creating more intellectuals in their countries. They even attract foreign brilliants, intellectuals and skilled persons for their own by giving large remunerations or salaries. We should now create, develop, nurture and provide opportunities to create more intellectuals in our country, so that our country can archive the desired goal as a developed nation with making the country a golden Bengal (Sonar Bangla) in the future.

(Md. Muzibur Rahman; e-mail: muzibur [email protected])
