Initiate investigation against all forced disappearances


RELATIVES and family members of the victims of enforced disappearance have expressed their anxiety and sorrow in a recent meeting in Dhaka. They are still waiting for the return of the disappeared persons though several years have elapsed in the meantime. During the political turmoil in the last few years, the people, mainly opposition party men, allegedly disappeared mysteriously. However, in many cases law enforcers are accused of the illegal activities. The government or high-ups of the law enforcement agencies have no intention to conduct any investigation against the allegations.
On numerous occasions, the family members held programmes and appealed to the authorities to take initiatives so that they could get back the victims. The calls, however, have fallen on deaf ears. Yesterday (Friday) was the International Day of the Victims of Enforced Disappearances. Amid the context, the day has been observing on the same day globally since 2011 to condemn what the United Nations considers “a strategy to spread terror in society”.
The victims’ families are undergoing very tough time as their only bread earners are absent. The victims, who went missing in 2013, were mostly involved with the opposition politics, allegedly picked up days before the 2014 general elections. In all the cases, law enforcers denied having any link with their disappearance.
As many as 344 people reportedly became victims of enforced disappearances between 2014 and last month. Of them, 40 were found dead later, 66 shown arrested in different cases, 35 returned while 203 are still missing, according to rights body Ain o Salish Kendra.
Wife of a victim has alleged that her husband was picked up by plainclothes detectives in front of the gate of old central jail on November 28, 2013, when their son was only five years old. Six years have gone and the boy is growing up without his father. There are so many similar tragic stories.
We know, enforced disappearance is constitutionally illegal. While the Constitution awards guarantee of life for every citizen, violation of people’s rights should get due attention of the authorities concerned. We do urge the government to initiate an extensive investigation about the allegations of law enforcers’ involvement in the incidents of forced disappearance.
