Indulge in these dishes and make weekend finger-licking good

From crispy lotus stem tossed in honey chilli sauce to grilled fish in banana leaf: You will definitely fall in love with these delicious recipes

Weekend Plus Desk :
Wheel Of Fortune – Crispy Lotus Stem Tossed in Honey Chilli Sauce
140g – Lotus stem cut in cylindrical slices
10ml – Honey
2tbs – Chilly paste
2 – Chopped garlic cloves
4-5 pieces – Sliced ginger
4 pieces – Dry red chilli cut in slices (seedless)
2tbs – Tomato ketchup
Salt – to taste
Broth – to taste
Stock water- half ladle
* Fry the lotus stem coated with cornflour batter until crispy.
* In the work, shallow fry garlic, ginger, and red chilli slices.
* Add ketchup, honey, chilli paste and stock water.
* Add this to the lotus stem.
* Garnish with sesame seed and serve.