Indonesia bans mandatory hijab for schoolgirls

Indonesia has banned public schools from making religious attire compulsory, after the story of a non-Muslim student being forced to wear a headscarf in class went viral.
“This is an individual’s right… It is not the school’s decision,” Indonesia’s Minister for Education and Culture Nadiem Makarim said.
The government has given schools 30 days to revoke any existing rules.
They may face sanctions if they do not comply.
The move comes after a Christian student in a vocational school in Padang was repeatedly asked to wear a Muslim headscarf in class. She refused, and her parents were called to speak to school officials.
“Almost every day, my daughter has been summoned for not wearing a headscarf, and her answer is that she is not Muslim,” Elianu Hia, father of the girl, told BBC News Indonesia.
“If I (force) my daughter to wear the headscarf, I will be lying about my daughter’s identity,” Mr Hia added. “Where are my religious rights? This is a public school after all.”