Hollande’s ex-partner joins France’s new cabinet


BBC Online :
French President Francois Hollande’s former partner, Segolene Royal, has joined the government in a major reshuffle by the ruling Socialists.
She will serve as environment minister in the cabinet of the new Prime Minister, Manuel Valls.
Valls was appointed to the job after the Socialists suffered a humiliating defeat at local elections.
The Finance Minister, Pierre Moscovici, has left the government, with his job now split between two ministers.
Michel Sapin takes charge of finance while Arnaud Montebourg will be in charge of industry and economy.
Laurent Fabius and Jean-Yves Le Drian keep their positions as foreign affairs and defence ministers in the new cabinet, which replaces that led by Jean-Marc Ayrault.
President Hollande is one of the most unpopular French leaders in decades, having failed to restore the economy.
It is open to question how many of the key new appointments were the choice of Valls alone, the BBC’s Christian Fraser reports from Paris. Sapin is a long-time close friend of Hollande.
