Indian Cinema

Comparing Film Making In Bangladesh

Sujayendra Das :
Films constitute a vital part in India’s social and mental upgradation. Film or cinema is always regarded as one of the most vital ingredient of literature. In India those who are hardcore film makers are all avid readers till along with the deceased ones who were too hardcore avid readers. From the available records we discover that there are approximate 1600 films produced by producers of India in different languages of the country. Whenever any good films are produced and directed by prominent directors of India we find that there is a massive turnout in different cinema halls and shopping malls located in India’s 29 states and 9 Union territories. In case of quality cinema we find there is a huge craze to purchase tickets of those cinemas produced and released by prominent directors of the country.
India is a vast nation which is well known all around the globe and total numbers of languages available as per Data is estimated to be around as per eight schedule of the Constitution. Nationally apart from all regional languages we find that English and Hindi are wide-spoken languages as per prevailing scenarios known to us. Even Indian Prime Minister Narendra Modi being a Gujarati by birth speaks in national level in both Hindi and English languages. So as per the eighth schedule of the Constitution there are in all 22 languages but from the records available with this writer we find that there are in all 19, 500 languages all over India.
Same way film directors of different Indian languages direct films and then distribute for public viewing by producers based in different parts of India. Logic of the directors are to portray the actual incidents of Indian societies which will cast deep impact upon citizens of India as well as that of Bangladesh plus citizens of other nations of Sub Continent. Sometimes we also evince with utter distress that when there are socially acclaimed films released in India and if it is found to be anti-government then suddenly we find that Union government of India announces ban on that particular film thereby pall of gloom and dismay cast upon all cinema lovers of India. That is why intellectuals all over India advise the government not to interfere in the art and culture of India.
Even writer of the stature of Salman Rushdie was not even spared from the attack by fundamentalists for one of his novels. It is my sincerest belief — my elite online readers of India and Bangladesh will take up my comment in positive and proper perspectives. Thus in the subsequent paragraph it is my humble task to analyze deeply about Indian films to be distributed properly catering to the elite and cinema loving sections of Indian populace.
How do Indian films be distributed in different parts of the country?
Indian films in different Indian languages have made a name. Sometimes due to problems in distributions the quality cinemas does not reach to the actual audience. Along with distributional problems there is also political interference which indirectly retards the growth and publicity of quality cinemas. Not only political fraternities of India to be blamed but rather some of the common Indian nationals who are most likely to be blamed on account of poor box office hit. Anyhow there are various ways and means on account of which films of India should be properly distributed all around the country of which some of the common ones are stated as follow:
In the preliminary stages proper editing is done by the directors of the film in front of producers as well as cream artists of each films. This is applicable for large screen, medium screen as well as small screen artists.
Film should be released after proper and methodical shooting in different Indian locations.
Film should be properly screened in different cinema halls and other big auditoriums of India.
Film producers of India do some bidding for the distributors to buy from them.
Film censor board of India also checks the content of the film and then does the proper certification.
Good and quality films should be exhibited in front of experts in the field before final screening in front of massive screening.
Producers should undertake proper promotional activities in this before distribution.
It is noticeable both in India and Bangladesh that all producers and directors of the films need to satisfy the government of both nations. As per the views of noted film critic we are aware of that the directors are of basically artistic temperament. They always aim to direct film which hit the Indian and Bangladeshi societal setup. Through their prowess directors project to the society what actually happen in and around us. If the political fraternities get annoyed at the directors then it sounds too much of unethical and derogatory type.
This type of mental makeup of the government needs drastic revamping otherwise how we can we except to upgrade the quality and standard of Indian and Bangladeshi art because film is an art and also it should coincide with actual art. As per the views of Soma Chatterjee, noted film critic of India, ‘ quality films always brings to us the proper adage of the societies other we cannot pave the way for developed societies’. Really the above stated view of Soma Chatterjee is worth mentioning which everyone will definitely agree.
In fact in every progressive democracy we find functions of different forms of art should be carried on in order to ensure proper development of societies in both India and Bangladesh by drawing lessons from various Western World countries.
(Sujayendra Das writes from India)