India unveils plans to ban surrogacy

The Indian government has unveiled a draft law which would ban commercial surrogacy, reports BBC.
If approved by parliament, the law will also ban people who do not hold an Indian passport, as well as Indian single parents and gay people, from having children through surrogacy.
Infertile couples would be able to seek a surrogate, which must be a relative.
Infertility groups have criticised the proposed law, saying it could lead to an illegal industry.
India is called the “surrogacy hub” of the world, where infertile couples, including many from overseas, pay local women to carry their embryos through to birth.
The industry is estimated to be worth more than $1bn (£65m) a year. But there have been growing concerns over the unregulated business.
Image copyright AFP Image caption Critics of the industry says many women are driven by poverty to become surrogates ‘Comprehensive bill’