India most unkindly using water at Farakka Barrage


MEDIA report said Farakka Barrage in West Bengal has opened all its 104 sluice gates to relieve Bihar and five other states in the upstream from severe deluge, which has marooned millions of people in worsening flood situation. Floods are hitting Bihar frequently over the past years as the Ganges has become silted spreading water in adjoining areas and through countryside. News report said Bihar Chief Minister Nitish Kumar has asked the central government to remove the Barrage or find out a siltage management policy to remove the recurrence of flood.
Meanwhile the West Bengal government, acting on the central government order has opened all gates to temporarily overcome the flood situation. No consideration has been shown about the sufferings to the people of Bangladesh. It is wrong for India to think that good relationship with government of Bangladesh means that the people will not react to India’s attitude of flouting the interests of the people of Bangladesh.
Rajshahi region has already become submerged with over 60 thousand people as water level in Padma River and its tributaries are significantly rising on hourly basis now at Hardinge point. It may run above danger level in next 48 hours.
We must say such Indian action without prior consultation with Bangladesh government is not acceptable when it has the potential to inundate large part of the country’s northwestern region to cause suffering to millions.
Farakka Barrage, always decried in Bangladesh as a death trap since its unilateral commission by India in 1975 has become equally threatening now for this region of India making clear that any unilateral action on common rivers is most unjust.
More than anything else, the people to people relation between Bangladesh and India remains disturbing for neglecting Bangladesh’s interest in regards Farraka Barrage. It is a life and death issue for us obstructing the flow of water.
Hydrological experts had warned when Farakka Barrage was built that it would not be a sustainable project when siltage will hit the river-beds. It comes true. But meanwhile it has made northwestern part of Bangladesh almost barren with poor water flow in the Padma during dry season. India’s perils now coming to the fore.
We want to say it clearly that India is making a gross mistake by treating only our government as trusted friend. A country of sixteen crore of people must not be regarded as weak. If India wants to maintain good friendly relation with its neighbouring countries, it cannot rely on its muscle power.
Foreign relations has to be in the interest of both the countries and to be seen as just and equal.
