In-person exam starts in CoU


CoU Correspondent :
In-person examination has been started in Comilla University (CoU) for the third time from yesterday (Sep 09) at 10 am, during the COVID-19 pandemic. On first day, the university authority has taken 11 examinations of different departments, maintaining proper health guidelines.
 Confirming this, Nurul Karim Chowdhury, controller of examinations of the university, said, “There were 5 undergraduate and 6 postgraduate examinations has been completed today (Thursday). In two shifts- 6 examinations are being conducted in the morning and rest 5 in the afternoon.”
Comilla University has been closed since March 17, 2020 due to the COVID-19 pandemic. The final examinations were started with physical presence in two stages from December 20, 2020 and later June 13, 2021. But due to the re-emergence of COVID-19, the university administration postponed all the examinations again.
