Imran sticks to his gun: Pak pol crisis continue

block, Islamabad :
Two weeks into his anti-government protest in the federal capital, Pakistan Tehreek-Insaf (PTI) Chairman Imran Khan maintains his defiant stance that the prime minister step down in order for an independent investigation of alleged election rigging.
In an address to protestors who have been encamped at D-Chowk for nine days, the PTI leader on Wednesday refused to continue negotiations with the government and was resolute on continuing the sit-in till the time Prime Minister Nawaz Sharif steps down.
“There will be no negotiations with your team now. No resignation, no negotiations,” he told a crowd of supporters.
Thousands of PTI supporters have camped outside Parliament in Islamabad’s high-security Red Zone in anti-government protests against alleged election rigging in the 2013 polls. In his fresh address yesterday, Imran remained unflinching in his demand for Nawaz’s resignation and said that he will not give in to the government’s efforts to “buy him out”.
A fifth round of negotiations between the government and PTI ended earlier yesterday, with no apparent sign of a breakthrough.