Impact of Social Change on the Family


Dr Matiur Rahman :
Industrialization, urbanization, the advancement of mechanical civilization and the use of modern science and technology have brought about drastic changes in the present society. Changes are happening in the economic, political, social, cultural, religious discipline along with some other elements of the society which is also leading to social change. Social change is an endless process. The family is a social institution, the origin of society is from the family. The family is controlled by society. Significant changes are taking place in the family due to changes in society.
According to World Bank, 2020 data around 73 percent population living in rural areas. But now people are leaving their homes for livelihood. Rural women are participating in development work for economic needs. In rural areas, girls are also getting higher education. As a result, a favourable environment has been created for increasing the power and dignity of girls and women.
Due to the impact of urbanization and industrialization, the joint family of the village is breaking up. In general, the husband is responsible for the maintenance of the family. Nowadays many women have started earning money from various occupations. Husbands and wives of the village and urban areas have also become aware of family planning. As a result, the size and structure of the family are getting smaller.
In the case of marriage, the status of the family and the opinion of the head of the family were given priority in the past. But at present, in most cases the couple gets married by their own choice or in the case of marriage, the opinion of the couple is given priority. These changes are easily accepted by modern girls and boys and also by parents and society.
Today’s society is changing rapidly with modern requirements and technological advances. As a result of the development of technology, the development of communication through television, mobile and the internet has resulted in the influence of foreign culture in our country as well. It has improved the standard of living but it is affecting the family and people are changing their way of life. The trend of polygamy has also decreased.
Due to conflicts of personality, lack of trust and dependence, disagreement, conflict of interest, etc., the propensity for divorce has increased in families at present. This trend is gradually increasing in the upper class, upper-middle-class, middle-class families and lower-middle-class families.
At present, girls in our country are making a huge contribution to the economy. With the spread of education and social change, women are becoming economically self-sufficient as human values change. Today, girls have found a way to earn a living by overcoming superstitions.
From ancient times till today the contribution of girls in agriculture is unforgettable, participation of women workers in the garment industry has brought about a revolutionary change in our country. The number of women entrepreneurs is also increasing day by day. Girls have always been successful in the cottage industry. This is also impactingfamily life both in rural and urban areas.
At present, there is a great change in the economic functions of the family. The number of working women is increasing day by day. Many daycare centres have been set up to look after the children. Many organisations have set up daycare centres for the children of their employees. As a result, mothers can work by keeping their children in daycare centres. Although this arrangement is much less than necessary.
Changes in housing planning are also noticeable. In the urban area, many people feel comfortable living in a flat rather than building a house even if they can afford it. Single-family is giving priority to live in a flat rather than joint family. It is also a change in the living pattern of the family due to rapid changes in society.
With the rapid spread of information technology, the world is getting smaller. We can see various news and pictures of the whole world in a few moments through mobile phones, computers, and the internet while sitting at home. One can easily talk to his/her loved ones abroad on Skype, WhatsApp or Messenger. This is also affecting families. Sometimes extra-marital relationships are build-up which is leading the divorce of a couple or creating a discomfort environment in the family.
Various household utensils have made our work much easier. From packaged powder spices to various ingredients have made the cooking process easier. Processed fish, chicken, chopped vegetables are available in various super malls which have reduced the household chores a lot.
Consumption of luxury items is increasing with the erosion of human values. People are merely becoming consumerists. Corruption, selfishness, violence are on the rise. Religious discipline is decreasing day by day affecting both family and society. Social changes have resulted in changes in the family custom, behaviour and values. Social problems such as dowry, polygamy, etc. have been reduced to some extent, and also the tendency to believe in superstition has also been reduced.
In conclusion, the changes taking place in the society are affecting the family. However, the family has maintained its continuity by performing the chores. Technological advances have made family life modern and dynamic both in urban and rural areas.

(Dr Matiur Rahman, Research Consultant, Human Development Research Centre, Dhaka).
