IMF to conduct 3rd review of Jordan’s economy in November

Xinhua, Amman :
The International Monetary Fund (IMF) is scheduled to conduct the third review of Jordan’s economy in November, an official source said Sunday.
A Jordanian delegation will visit the United States next week to discuss Jordan’s fiscal and monetary reforms under the existing program with the IMF, the source from Jordanian Financial Ministry told Xinhua on condition of anonymity.
Several meetings will be held with IMF officials during the visit over the latest developments, said the source.
In September, an IMF mission made a visit to Jordan to assess economic developments in the country.
In 2016, Jordan reached a 36-month deal with the IMF to embark on reforms to reduce public debt.
Under the deal, Jordan is expected to generate 520 million dinars (733.4 million U.S. dollars) in additional revenues, which seems a difficult task for the kingdom.