Celebrities attend women march: `I`m not as nasty as you`

Your sexist, misogynistic, homophobic language gives others in society a moral license to do the same, say protesters


Special Correspondent :
In a stunning show of protest, about one million peaceful protesters took part in the historic Women’s March on Washington on Saturday, on the first-day of the newly-elected U.S. President Donald Trump administration.
In fact, the march was widespread but the message was focused. Showing their anger, the celebrity performers, singers, activists and actors who attended the march have openly expressed distrust on Trump along with vowing to end the “Trump carnage”!
According to media, eminent Hollywood stars Robert De Niro and Michael Moore led dozens of celebrities in the anti-Trump protest, where among others, Madonna, America Ferrera, Gloria Steinem, Michael Moore, Scarlett Johansson, Ashley Judd, Alicia Keys, Janelle Monae, Julia Roberts, Cher, Emma Roberts, Chrissy Teigen, Amy Schumer, Padma Lakshmi, Yoko Ono, Jessica Chastain, Angela Davis and Chloe Grace Moetz also participated.
Not only that, the celebrities also joined protest rallies in different U.S. states, including New York, Los Angeles and even Park City, Utah, the media reported.
The 58-year-old American singer, songwriter, actress, and businesswoman Madonna Louise Ciccone took to the streets of Washington DC to fight back at President Trump’s stance on race, ethnicity, gender, religion, immigration and health care.
 “I am a nasty woman,” she said – referencing Donald’s famous attack on Hillary Clinton. “I’m not as nasty as a man who looks like he bathes in Cheeto dust. …I’m not as nasty as your own daughter being your favorite sex symbol, your wet dreams infused with your own genes.” The singer continued: “Good didn’t win this election, but good will win in the end. So what today means is that we are far from the end. Today marks the beginning of our story…The revolution starts here. “And to our detractors that insist that this march will never add up to anything, f*** you! … Yes, I have thought an awful lot about blowing up the White House…Donald Trump, suck a d**k.”
Madonna was one of many stars to have rallied against the President, including Charlize Theron, 41, who broke down in tears alongside Chelsea Handler, also 41, in Washington.  
British singer Lily Allen, 31, performed a protest song outside Grosvenor Square in London, while chaos ensued nearby with fights breaking out in the capital’s Oxford Circus.
Left-wing documentary filmmaker Michael Moore declared to thousands of protesters Saturday at the Women’s March on Washington that “We are here to vow to end the Trump carnage!”
 “On Monday, call [202] 225-3121. Call your representative and your two Senators, and number one we do not accept Betty DeVos as our secretary of education…That’s day one. Make it part of your daily routine…I want you to make this a part of your new daily routine: Call Congress every single day. “Brush your teeth, make the coffee, walk the dog and call Congress.”
American actress, model, and singer Scarlett Johansson addressed Trump directly, saying that she did not vote for him but she would like to be able to support him as President – if he would support her and all others who are anxiously awaiting his next move.
“Support my daughter, who may actually as a result of the appointments you have made may actually grow up in a country that is moving backwards, not forwards,” she said; “and who may potentially not have the right to make choices for her body and her future that your daughter Ivanka has been privileged to have.”
American feminist, journalist, and social and political activist Gloria Steinem said: “Some very experienced doctors of the American Psychiatric Association have publicly written to warn us that, and I quote, ‘His widely reported symptoms of mental instability … lead us to question his fitness for the immense responsibility of the office.”
Feminist icon Gloria Steinem said: “I’ve been thinking of the uses of a long life,’ Steinem continued. ‘You remember when things were worse. We remember the death of the future with Martin Luther King Jr, John F Kennedy, Bobby Kennedy, Malcolm X.”
“And now Hillary Clinton is alive – and definitely not in jail,’ she added as the crowd laughed. “She who told the whole world that women’s rights are human rights and human rights are women’s rights.”
Actress Scarlett Johansson said: “There are very real and devastating consequences to limiting access to what should be considered basic healthcare….’President Trump, I did not vote for you…That said, I respect that you are our president-elect and I want to be able to support you. ‘But first I ask that you support me, support my sister, support my mother, my best friend and all of our girlfriends.’
Organizer Paula Kirman said: “Women’s rights are human rights.”
“We are gathering to say loud and clear that we will not tolerate discrimination, we will stand in support of all of those who have been and continue to be the target of hatred and closed minds,” said Alison Poste, who organized Edmonton’s rally with Kirman and Michelle Brewer.
Nakita Valerio, vice president of external affairs for the Alberta Muslim Public Affairs Council,said that he was “legitimized in his hatred and misogyny and propelled to the highest institution of the most powerful nation in the world, and we will oppose him and all echoes of him at home.”
Linda Duncan, MP for Edmonton-Strathcona, said that while Trump may be America’s president, Canada has its own issues of enduring inequality. She called for better access to affordable childcare and pointed to disproportionate poverty and violence experienced by aboriginal women.
In the women’s march, American singer, songwriter, pianist and actress Alicia Keys made a surprise appearance towards the end of the rally, doing a spoken word piece that quoted Maya Angelou’s famous poem ‘Still I Rise’.
In Cardiff, Charlotte Church, 30 – who refused to sing at Trump’s inauguration – carried a placard, which read: “I didn’t come from your rib, you came from my vagina”, appearing to dismiss the Bible’s story of how Eve was created from Adam’s rib bone, the US media reported.
