ILO pleased over working environment of EPZ

Business Desk :
Tuomo Poutiainen, International Labour Organization (ILO) Country Director for Bangladesh, has expressed satisfaction over workers rights and peaceful working environment of the Export Processing Zones (EPZs).
He hoped that greater collaboration between BEPZA and ILO would further improve competitiveness and working condition of the EPZs.
The ILO country director on Wednesday made the remarks during his visit with Executive Chairman of BEPZA Major General Md Nazrul Islam at BEPZA Complex in the city, said a press release.
Mentioning Workers-Management-Owners Synergy, Nazrul Islam said that BEPZA always tries to sustain a congenial working atmosphere giving the highest priority on workers’ rights, welfares and safety.
He informed the ILO Country Director on various activities taken by the authority to combat the pandemic such as maintaining safety measures and social distance for ensuring secured industrial environment.