Illegal fishing destroying stocks

FISH catching is illegal in off-season period and by people without having license. Catching fish fries is also prohibited using monofilament synthetic nylon nets during breeding period. But as a recent news report said that illegal catching of fishes is going on unabated, resulting in serious threats to the country’s fish stock in both marine and inland waters. Such practice is also causing staggering losses each year to the country due to its failure to stop rampant illegal fishing in inland and coastal waters by fishermen.
Fish is considered a major source of proteins to the people. But this source of proteins is facing constraints due to illegal fishing. It is causing severe economic losses to the country when demand for fish from Bangladesh is high abroad particularly at places where large number of expatriate Bangladeshi nationals live. We must say fishermen’s greed cannot be allowed to bring destruction to the country’s fish stock particularly this time at the coastal areas and it must be strictly checked. The authorities concerned can’t avoid their responsibility in this regard, because they know thousands such fishermen, except a handful of them, are indulging in off-season catching and destroying fish fries are unauthorized persons operating without license.
The situation illustrates the fishing authorities callousness that usually encourage fishermen to adopt unfair means and go for unauthorized fishing. Besides, a large number of fishermen are using synthetic nylon fiber nets (known as current jaal) and behondi jaal (one kind of net where all fish species are trapped) in coastal waters. Bangladesh Fish Act- 1983 made it clear that nobody can use synthetic nylon fiber nets in fishing and damage water-bodies. Tragically, mother-fishes are not also spared even during the breeding time of the year at sea or in special river zones where they visit at particular time to lay eggs. The safe-zone for breeding is reducing each year because of illegal encroachment. But the law is not being properly enforced for the lack of manpower as concerned officials claim. So, it is the need of the time to increase manpower to monitor fishing at sea and riverbeds.
Fishing vessels from neighboring countries are also regularly intruding in Bangladesh water in the sea and indulging in illegal fishing. It is known to all quarters but enough measures are not taken so far to remove the menace. In our view the government must take all steps to protect fish stock and fish fries in the sea, rivers and open water bodies to give the stock to grow unimpeded until the fishing season arrives. We are talking about sea-based blue economy but we must achieve the capacity to protect fish resources and allow the national economy to flourish.