If Putin can dare why can’t West offer massive casualties on Russian army


The Nato block looks forward to punish Russia for invading Ukraine by imposing economic and financial sanctions which seems to be an unequal match at a time when Russian forces remain irresistible in the battle field capturing Ukrainian cities and destroying establishment throughout the country. Despite the USA and allies provoked Ukraine to join Nato defying Russian objections, the USA now made clear it would not send combat troops in the field to fight Russian troops and even would not enforce an aerial blockade of Ukrainian sky, as the country’s president is calling for, lest it forces western air power to engage in face to face war. This may look like a selfish cowardice step no matter the USA is justifying it as a calculated strategy.

Many wonder what was the basis of Ukraine’s decision to go into war if the USA and Nato will not intervene in the battle field with forces to reverse any worsening situation in the ground. The west is staging a fierce propaganda war in the air against Russia that the economic sanction and financial blockade against Moscow will wreck havoc on Russian war machine but practically Russian is destroying Ukraine right now with all ferocity firing missiles and aerial bombing on cities and other habitats. Putin has even threatened to use nuclear weapons and asked its special forces to be on alert. But the west is not making any matching threat giving the impression that Ukraine has been practically abandoned. Many fears once Russia will capture the country and destroy its cities, uprooting the invaders will be difficult.


The west’s economic sanction highlights that Russia has been cut off from the global banking payments system in punishment for Moscow’s invasion. It has been cut off from SWIFT intern bank communication system for money transfer controlled by the west. It will deny more than $600 billion for use by the Russian government held in its central bank reserves. Other business transaction will also cut off to make business payment or support Ruble to keep the economy stable.

In our view sanction will finish President Putin but meanwhile he is smashing Ukraine into dust. He is feeling free to kill Ukrainians and forcing them to become refugees in other countries. The world does not want to see the Western powers as a dog that barks but does not bite. Saving lives of Ukrainians must be an urgent consideration. The USA and other members of the united front against Russia are not supplying effective weapons.
