If leaders do not take cognizance of people’s sufferings, what is the purpose of that politics?


Every day the media is rife with reports on the misery and crisis of people over the price spiral of daily essentials. They are also anxious about frequent road and waterway accidents, and violence against women and children. Surprisingly, our political leaders are hardly moved by these issues of public pertinence. It seems the ministers and leaders of the ruling party and the opposition are more interested in criticizing each other as we witnessed every day in the print and electronic media. They take great pleasure in making fools of others.
From their statements, it seems that there is no other work in the country except for the activities of the search committee and formation of Election Commission. The commission is formed to conduct elections and elections mean the protection of people’s voting rights. It does not mean violence and death in the name of voting. But in the just-concluded union parishad elections, we have seen violence overshadow people’s voting rights. Over a hundred people have been killed in election-related violence. The national elections will be in two years. So, a commission will be formed to conduct the elections, which is normal in any democratic process. If the people’s grievances are neglected in politics and the leaders do not take cognizance of their sufferings, what is the purpose of that politics?
Meanwhile, the prices of essentials, including rice, lentils and edible oil, have gone up so much that queues in front of vehicles selling the TCB goods are steadily getting longer. Even the well-dressed people were also seen in the line. We want to say that the well-dressed people have been compelled to stand in the queue to buy TCB commodities. Then again, every day people are being killed in road and waterway accidents. We can hardly just write these off as an accident. Rather, it may be called a murder. Violence against women and children also continues. The government leaders often say the average income of the people has increased. It does not mean the income of general people has increased. Rather, inequality has increased to a great extent. In our country, the number of rich and poor people is growing faster.
In fact, democracy, the mainstay of a democratic state, is gradually falling behind. The state institutions have weakened further. The election system has crumbled. Politicians’ only concern is how to go and stay in power. This is nothing but a mockery of the people.
