If BNP can’t, AL too won’t be allowed to hold rallies: Rizvi

UNB, Dhaka :
In a counter-threat, BNP joint secretary general Ruhul Kabir Rizvi on Sunday said if BNP is not allowed to hold any rally, the ruling party will also not be able to do the same in any part of the country.
“Awami League leader Mahbubul Alam Hanif has said BNP won’t be allowed to hold any rally if BNP senior vice chairman Tarique Rahman’ s comments are not withdrawn… we want to strongly say if BNP’s rallies are obstructed, Awami League will also not be able to smoothly hold rallies anywhere of the country,”
he said. Addressing a press briefing at the party’s Nayapaltan central office, he further said BNP together with people will resist the ruling party’ s rallies if they are denied to do so.
Earlier on Saturday, Hanif said time has come to think whether the BNP chairperson will be allowed to hold any rally in the future if she does not apologise on behalf of her eldest son for making derogatory remarks on Bangabandhu Sheikh Mujibur Rahman.
At a press conference after a joint meeting with Jubo League leaders at Awami League president Sheikh Hasina’s Dhanmondi political office in the capital, he also said their party will not tolerate the way Tarique Rahman and BNP leaders making disparaging remarks on Bangabandhu.
Rizvi alleged that the government has got desperate to arrest, harass and torture the BNP leaders and activists out of its fear of fall following the announcement of a shutdown progrmme for Monday by the 20-party alliance.
He protested the arrest of Jubo Dal president Syed Moazzem Hossain Alal from his Lalmatia residence on Saturday night and demanded his immediate and unconditional release.