ICRC President in city


Staff Reporter :
President of the International Committee of the Red Cross (ICRC) Peter Maurer arrived in the capital on Saturday afternoon to observe ICRC’s work in Cox’s Bazar’s Rohingya camps.
The ICRC president came to Bangladesh directly from Myanmar on a four-day official visit.
During his visit, he is scheduled to hold meeting with Prime Minister Sheikh Hasina, apart from his meetings in the Ministry of Foreign and the Ministry of Home Affairs, among others.
An estimated 7,00,000 people left Myanmar for Bangladesh after the violence of August 2017 and many others in Rakhine have been displaced.
Access to food, healthcare, education and the necessities of life has been difficult for everyone.
“Humanitarian organisations are doing their best to alleviate the suffering leaving difficult circumstances, as the monsoon season has already begun. But many people are still in plight despite all the plans and all the efforts in last 10 months,” said Peter Maurer.
“The emergency response should continue with urgent progress – from humanitarians, development actors, and the authorities – on building sustainable solutions,” he said.
Maurer will also hold a media briefing in Dhaka on his visit and different aspects of his agency’s work for the Rohingya people.
Meanwhile, Maurer reached Myanmar on June 25 on a five-day official visit to observe ICRC’s work in Rakhine State, said a press release.
During the visit in the neighbouring country, he spoke with affected communities and held meetings with representatives of the Myanmar governments.
He met Daw Aung San Suu Kyi, State Counsellor and U Win Myint, President of Myanmar.
