ICRC Director for Asia, Pacific due today

UNB, Dhaka :
Boris Michel, ICRC regional director for Asia and the Pacific, arrives here on a five-day visit on Sunday to see for himself the Rohingya situation on the ground.
In the course of his visit, he will meet the Bangladeshi authorities, senior officials from international organisations and the Bangladesh Red Crescent Society (BDRCS) to discuss pressing humanitarian needs, challenges of forcibly displace Rohingya people.
He will also undertake
field trips and be part of ICRC’s joint response with the BDRCS for the newly arrived people from Myanmar living currently in Cox’s Bazar.
This is his first visit to Bangladesh since the crisis broke out in late August this year.
“We have all seen the figures, the numbers are staggering yet more arrive daily. The Bangladeshi authorities, alongside hundreds of volunteers and organisations lead an enormous effort to respond to the most urgent needs of people newly arrived from Myanmar. However, the situation remains dire and much more needs to be done” said Michel in a statement on Saturday.
The ICRC together with the BDRCS is responding to the most urgent needs of the people who fled Myanmar, currently living in Cox’s Bazar.
As of November 11, some 62,421 people received standard food and non-food items, including repeat distribution and 21,100 patients have been received health services from mobile camp while 41,600 people have been benefited from water, sanitation and hygiene interventions.