Hygge up your home

Young beautiful woman with reddish hair sitting home by the window with cup of hot coffee wearing knitted warm sweater. Christmas tree with decorations and lights in the room, snowy winter outside

Life Desk :

Admit it, 2016 was a tough year – globally and nationally. Demonetisation, unexpected celebrity deaths and a bleak political scenario has left us looking for some method to everyday madness. Help is at hand with ‘hygge’ (pronounced hue-gah) – a centuries-old lifestyle concept exported from the Nordic countries that will wrap you in a warm bear hug. Hygge is a Danish word meaning a feeling or mood that lets you take genuine pleasure in making ordinary, everyday moments more meaningful, beautiful or special.
Cosy comfort
Some refer to hygge as an “art of creating intimacy” (either with yourself, friends or your home). And the cold season works beautifully with this cosy concept. Welcome hygge into your home with candles, warm blankets and coffee cups. Interior designer Neetu Arora says, “Hygge styles of décor have almost become an art form that create a sense of intimacy in any given environment.”
It’s all about getting your hands on anything that brings warmth – from the gentle flicker of candlelight, to some soul-searching books, or eating candlelight dinner with family. Interior designer Chandni Nath Israni says, “Even your bathroom space can be a hygge corner, with scented candles, white walls and warm rugs.”
On Instagram, there are almost 1.5 million #hygge posts of falling leaves, bowls of pumpkin soup and people wrapped in blankets. On Pinterest, there’s a rise of 285% in hygge-themed pinning. For more pointers, look up some books (for example Hygge: The Danish Art of Happiness; The Little Book of Hygge: The Danish Way to Live Well; Hygge: A Celebration of Simple Pleasures) published on the topic.
Feel the glow
Candles are an integral part of hygge décor. The warm glow it brings on cold days is what the concept of cosiness is all about. Try and make your home gadget-free. Arora says, “Use soft textures to create relaxing moments for the mind, for instance, faux fur throws, fluffy woollen rugs and thick chunky knit cushions are the right picks.” She also suggests creating a cosy corner by putting your favourite photographs on one side. “It’s about being intimate and warm, having relationships that are cosy,” she adds.
When it comes to a hygge home, less is more. Tanya Mehra, designer of outdoor spaces says, “Introduce lot of warm wood into your patio and living room. Even wooden flooring gives a warm, hygge feel. Try to get in lots of plants and greenery into every corner of your home.”
What is Hygge?
Hygge (pronounced hue-gah) is a Danish word meaning a feeling or mood that comes from taking genuine pleasure in making ordinary, everyday moments more meaningful, beautiful or special. Whether it’s making coffee or a cosy evening in with friends to lighting a candle – hygge is being aware of a good moment – simple or special. It has been listed as a “word of the year” by both the Collins and Oxford dictionaries.
How to Hygge your home
· Use candles – scented or unscented. Get some fragrances like rose, green tea, jasmine
· Use elegant teapots and make tea with tea leaves – not bags.
· Have a patio or terrace? Fill it with winter flowers like chrysanthemums and poinsettias.
· Create a cosy corner in the patio with a warm rug and wood furniture.
· Use furry rugs.
· Maximise natural light into your home.
