Demand for dowry: Husband sentenced to death for killing wife in Barisal

Barisal Correspondent :
A Barisal court on Sunday afternoon sentenced husband to death for killing his wife demanding dowry.
The death sentenced lone accused was Sumon Munshi (25), son of Abul Munshi from Dingamanik village under Mehendiganj Upazila of the district.
The court also fined the accused Tk. 1 lakh.
Seikh Abu Taher, judge of the tribunal for preventing torture against women and children at Barisal, handed down this verdict on Sunday afternoon in presence of the accused under section 302 of penal code examining 18 out of 19 witnesses and other evidences and documents.
Advocate Fayezul Haque Fayez, public prosecutor of the court, said Sathi and Sumon Married in 2013 (two years ago).
After marriage Sathi several times informed her father Anis Howladar about torture of husband Sumon Munshi and his family member demanding dowry.
On 20 June 2015, Sathi again informed her family members about the torture.
However on 21 June 2015, Sabuj, one family members of Sumon, informed Sathi’s father that she died suddenly.
Then Anis Howlader, father of Sathi, lodged a murder case against the four accused including husband Sumon Munshi, his mother and two brothers with Mehendiganj police station on the same night.
In the case the complainant alleged that Sumon and his associates murdered Sathi demanding dowry.
Sub Inspector Tarik Hasan, investigation officer of the case, submitted charge sheet against only accused husband Sumon Munshi on Nov 27, 2015.
