Husband gets life for killing 2 including wife in Morrelganj


Bagerhat Correspondent :
Md. Zakaria Hossain, judge of District and Session Judge Court-2, Bagerhat, in a judgment delivered on Sunday convicted one Abul Kalam (55), son of one Abdul Jobbar Hawladar of village Gulisakhali under Morrelganj Upazila in Bagerhat district and sentenced him to be hanged till his death and to pay a fine of Tk.20 thousand in absentia of the accused on the charge of killing his wife and a Madrsa student.
The prosecution story, in short, is that on October 07 at night in the year 2001 husband Abul Kalam began to chop his wife Sultana Yasmin (25) with a sharp knife. Mashiur Rahman (12), a Madrasa student who used reside in the house of Abul Kalam noticed the scene and tried to save Sultana Yasmin. Then the husband hit him on his head neck with the knife. As result, both of them were killed on the spot. After the incident the husband Abul Kalam went to Morrelganj PS along with his 3 years old daughter and lodged a complaint with the PS against his own father and brothers that they had killed his wife and the Madrasa student.
After receiving the complaint when the police went to the spot 3 years daughter of accused Abul Kalam told the police that her father had killed her mother. According to the statement of the child, police recovered the knife used in killing the wife and the Madrsa student and arrested Abul Kalam in the following morning.. On the same day Abul Bashar, father of the deceased Madrasa student Mashiur registered a case with the PS against Abul Kalam in connection with the murder of his son.
Police investigated into the matter and submitted a charge sheet to the court against Abul Kalam on December 10 in the same year.
