Human chain demanding 3 days Puja holiday

Chittagong Bureau :
Bangladesh Jatiya Hindu Mohajote , Chittagong formed a human chain demanding 3 days govt holiday and other demands in the coming Durga Puja yesterday .
A rally followed by human chain was held in front of Chittagong Press Club on Friday .
President of Chittagong chapter of the Mohajote Adv Jhisu Krishna Rakhit presided over it.
The leaders of the Mohajote demanded 3 days govt holiday , 60 reserved seats in Parliament from minority communities and forming of Ministry of Minority Affairs.
The speakers in the rally said Durga Puja is the biggest religious festival of the Hindu community in Bangladesh and the members of their family could not enjoy the festival with satisfaction due to only one govt holiday on Bijaya Dashami.
 The rally demanded fulfill their demands through amendment of the constitution if needed and said the present govt is a secular govt and so the minority communities should not be deprived of any religious rights like other religions.
 Joint Convenor of the Mohajote Adv Ashutosh Dutta, Adv Sudipta, Member Secretary Sekar Das among others spoke on the occasion.