Human chain against Israeli genocide in Gaza

A human chain was formed in front of Chittagong Press Club on Sunday evening to protest genocide in Gaza by Israel yesterday.
A human chain was formed in front of Chittagong Press Club on Sunday evening to protest genocide in Gaza by Israel yesterday.

Chittagong Bureau :
The teachers and students of different schools, colleges and Universities in Chittagong formed human chain in front of Chittagong Press Club on Sunday evening to protest the genocide in Gaza by the Israeli authority.
 The human chain condemned the inhuman killings of Palestinians by the Israeli agressors and demanded immediate stop of genocide. In the human chain rally, a few numbers of Palestine students took part in it.
The speakers in the human chain called upon the world community to get united against the Israeli aggression in Gaza and violation of humanity in Palestine.
 The human chain also demanded to condemn the killing by the national level through adopting resolutions in the National Parliament(Jatiya Sangsad).
Among others, Associate Profession of Chittagong University ABM Abu Noman, Asstt. Professionr Nizamuddin, Prof. Alex Alim, Advocate SUM Nurul Islam, spoke on the occasion. Two Palestine students of Asian University for Women expressed solidarity to the human chain , sources said. The human chain also informed that in last 6 days, about 200 innocent Palestinians were killed by the air attack of Israel.
