Huawei turns to Africa

AEP, Paris :
As the US leads a drive for the West to shun Huawei over security fears, the Chinese tech giant has sought to strengthen its position in Africa, where it is already well-established.
Huawei has taken a leading role in developing next-generation 5G mobile phone networks around the world.
But it has been in turmoil since Washington charged its equipment could serve as a Trojan horse for Chinese intelligence services.
The world’s second smartphone marker fiercely denies the allegations, but the US has urged countries to avoid it and several companies have distanced themselves.
They include Google, whose Android operating system runs most smartphones.
And as Washington and Beijing duke it out in an escalating trade war, nations around the world are faced with the dilemma of having to choose a side between the world’s two top economies.
Russian president Vladimir Putin weighed in on Friday, slamming Washington’s attempt to “unceremoniously push” Huawei out of the global market. Earlier in the week, Russia’s MTS telecoms giant signed a deal with Huawei to develop a 5G network in the country.
Chinese president Xi Jinping, a guest of Putin at an economic forum in Saint Petersburg, said China was “ready to share technological inventions with all partners, in particular 5G technology”.