HSC results tomorrow


The results of the Higher Secondary Certificate (HSC) and equivalent examinations of 2014 will be published on Wednesday.All the examination centres and educational institutions have been asked to collect the results on Wednesday from their respective education boards through webmail, said a handout on Monday.The institutions concerned have been recommended using their respective EIIN numbers to download the results through the webmail available at this website: www.educationboard .gov.bd.The downloading procedures will be spelt out in a TeleTalk circular.The examinees have been asked to collect their results from their respective institutions, or from the websites of their respective boards.This year five parameters-percentage of regular students passing the exam, percentage of passing students, percentage of students getting GPA-5, number of examinees and the average GPA of the institutions-have been used to determine top educational institutions.Any application seeking reevaluation of the results can be submitted from August 14 to August 20 through SMS. The procedures for the application will be elaborated by a TeleTalk circular.
