HSC exams to go on as per schedule: Nahid


Education Minister Nurul Islam Nahid on Tuesday said the upcoming Higher Secondary Certificate (HSC) and its equivalent examinations will be held as per the schedule overcoming all the obstacles, including hartal.He came up with the remarks while talking to reporters after the 3rd convocation of United International University (UIU) at Bangabandhu International Conference Centre in the city.The public examination is scheduled to begin on April 1 across the country.Nahid said, there is a pressure from various quarters for taking the HSC and its equivalent examinations as per the schedule amid the hartal-blockade programme enforced by the BNP-led 20-party alliance.The law enforcement agencies will provide adequate security to the candidates so that they can smoothly travel to and from exam centres, he said. The minister urged the political parties to refrain from enforcing any subversive programmes in the interest of students, and sought cooperation from all in ensuring a bright future of the examinees.He urged the examinees, their guardians, centre secretaries, boards and the administration to be prepared for taking the exam in time.
