How to get rid of a sun tan naturally?

Life Desk :
In the summer, if you’re not covered in sunscreen or indoors all day, you’re bound to go a few shades darker. Here are some easy ways to get rid of a tan naturally:
Lemon and rosewater
Apply a mixture of 5 tablespoons of rosewater and one tablespoon of lime at bedtime. Wash it off the next morning.
Turmeric powder and lime
A paste of turmeric powder and lime can work wonders.
Gram flour, milk and lime
Take a tablespoon of gram flour and blend with 2 teaspoons of milk. Add a few drops of lime juice. Apply this mixture to the affected areas for 15 minutes before you wash it off.
Tomato and lime juice
A blend of tomato and lime juice should be applied on the tanned area for 20 minutes, after which it should be washed off with cold water. Continue this for 15 days for best results.