How people defying social-distancing rules!

UNB, Dhaka :
Social distancing rules, the much talked-about- issue during this Covid-19 pandemic, are largely ignored in Dhaka and elsewhere in the country as many people engage in up-close interactions without any protection, raising the risk of transmission of the deadly coronavirus.
According to global and national health experts, maintaining social distancing is one of the most important easier ways to stay safe

during this unprecedented scale of pandemic. But people are still gathering around tea stalls at street corners everywhere, including upscale Gulshan area, as they are hardly bothered about the virus, no matter how perilous it is.
A UNB photo shows people gathered at a tea stall at Road No 117 in Gulshan area of the capital without having masks, gloves, or maintaining safe physical distance.
Unlike upscale areas, the scenarios in areas like Farmgate, Gabtoli or Mirpur are more disturbing and horrifying as people, mostly the low-income ones coming out for livelihoods, flout social-distancing rules so carelessly, endangering their lives. The photos taken from kitchen markets are no exception, as a large number of people flouting the social-distancing guidelines.
Lack of proper monitoring and mass awareness are blamed for the widespread flouting of health protocols.
Bangladesh on Friday reported 3,034 new coronavirus cases that took the total number to 199,357.
The health authorities have so far reported 2,547 deaths from the virus in the country.
