Housewife killed for dowry at Gafargaon


Gafargaon Correspondent :

Sathi Akhter (24), a housewife has become the victim of dowry at Gafargaon in Mymensingh recently.
 After 8 years of marriage she was the victim of killing. Her brother Khairul Islam has filed a case in Pagla Thana of Gafargaon in this connection accusing her husband Uzzal Miah and mother-in-law Mukta Begum. After killing, husband and his family members fled away. Sources said, Uzzal, son of Tara Miah at the village of Khurshid mahal, Panchbag union married Sathi, daughter of late Siraj Miah of the village of Dapunia, Sahedal Union of Hossainpur upazila 8 years ago.
During marriage Uzzal was given 80 thousand taka as dowry and after marriage Uzzal insisted Sathi to bring one lakh taka more from her house. As she was unable to bring the money, Uzzal and his family members tortured Sathi in various ways.
 On last Thursday afternoon Uzzal created pressure on Sathi for money but she did not agree to bring money from her father. At that time Uzzal and his family members tortured Sathi .At one stage they suffocated Sathi to death and hanged her with rope. After that Uzzal and his family told that Sathi committed suicide. Being doubt the villagers informed the police and Sathi`s family. Police rescued the dead body and sent to Mymensingh Medical college for autopsy.
