Horoscope of the week


Aries (Mar 21-Apr 20) :
Your stars are moving on and the Sun adjusts its position before long, leaving you to stand on your own feet once again. You’re entering a tricky financial phase and have to make a number of awkward choices. It may be time to abandon a commitment which is burdensome, but don’t let anyone down.
Taurus (Apr 21-May 21) :
Mercury is sending a challenge to Pluto, and the heavens are lining up for a frank, though friendly, confrontation. You will have to speak the truth even at the risk of upsetting someone – although be on hand afterwards with reassurance. It may be that only you can utter the words they need to hear.
 Gemini (May 22-June 21) :
Something may happen behind the scenes to change your plans and ideas, perhaps an amazing event. Whatever takes place will almost certainly involve your work or routine chores are preoccupying you at the moment.
Cancer (June 22-July 23) :
A difference of opinion between lively Mercury and passionate Pluto is bound to awaken ideas of social adventure; you’ll be on the look-out for new friends and anxious to put former associates in their place. Additional attention is required to all travel, holiday and adventurous plans over the coming weeks.
Leo (July 24-Aug 23) :
It’s a week of two halves. The Moon issues a challenge to your sign from Monday to Wednesday, so these will be the days to apply your cheery Leonine medicine to a partnership. Only you can do this, so why don’t you organise a break from routine and plan something special instead? You can put your feet up later.
Virgo (Aug 24-Sept 23) :
Legal matters seem to have some role to play in your life over the next three weeks. Is it possible that you have embroiled yourself in a bureaucratic muddle? If you stick to your guns and do what you know to be right, you won’t go far wrong. Keep a professional plan under review for a little while longer.
Libra (Sept 24-Oct 23) :
Money matters can only increase in importance as the week passes, but don’t expect a quick and easy answer. You will come to realise that you have the chance to set your finances on a more prosperous course, but how, and when, are questions that are still unclear. Take more time to work out what you really want.
 Scorpio (Oct 24-Nov 22) :
It may be difficult for you to imagine that a close partner can possibly be right, so deep is your belief in your own infallibility. However, any astrologer, on seeing the current planetary picture, would advise you to compromise and bend to circumstances. What you want is not as important as what you need!
Sagittarius (Nov 23-Dec 22) :
Your astrological personality is a complex and rich one. Many Sagittarians are now starting to resemble obstinate and emotional Scorpios. In fact, friends may realise that your behaviour, especially a tendency to secrecy in important matters, is departing ever further from what they have seen in the past.
Capricorn (Dec 23-Jan 20) :
The week opens with the Moon supporting your sign, so family affairs will probably keep you on your toes. As the days go by, you will see that money lies at the root of all disagreements. If you can increase your earnings, you will solve many of your problems. A fun outing should be scheduled for later.
 Aquarius (Jan 21-Feb 19) :
Recent developments in the sectors of your chart associated with children and romance seem bound to work out for the best in the long run, even if you have been rather disconcerted by statements or events. Sunday, when the Moon adjusts its position, should be a special day, so enjoy it to the full.
 Pisces (Feb 20-Mar 20) :
This is a spectacular week for all of you pursuing inspirational ambitions, educational goals or working in the travel and communications industry. Show other people that you mean business – and get them on your side. Also, if romantic plans are afoot then please act soon: do not delay!
-Weekend Plus Desk
