Horoscope of the week

Aries (Mar 21-Apr 20): If you’ve been sitting on the fence and generally prevaricating, seize an overdue chance to settle a personal matter. Helpful movements by Saturn will counteract Mercury’s obstructiveness and assist you to see the serious side of even the riskiest enterprise.
Taurus (Apr 21-May 21): Partners’ real achievements and success are bound to give you pleasure as the year begins, although whether you will be so pleased with your own progress is another matter. In many respects this is a deeply significant time for you, but the position is not yet clear.
Gemini (May 22-June 21): There’s no particular reason why you shouldn’t take outrageous decisions, but you should understand that as long as your planetary ruler, Mercury, is so intriguingly placed at the beginning of the year, you may not express yourself as well as you might.
Cancer (June 22-July 23): Unexpected and surprising happenings may have had your mind working along unfamiliar lines, but your current planetary picture goes some way towards restoring a greater sense of balance. Test your ideas out on other people over the coming weeks before putting them into practice.
Leo (July 24-Aug 23): You’ll be brimming over with sensible ideas for improving your domestic situation this week, although, in some strange way, anything that happens is strangely linked to professional affairs. Remember, you are responsible for guaranteeing your material security as you enter your next twelve-month cycle.
Virgo (Aug 24-Sept 23): When, in the distant past, challenging celestial configurations prompted you to take stock of your financial situation, they helped lay the foundations for what must – and will – be a fairly confident period. Yet people who have your interests at heart may continue to question your priorities.
Libra (Sept 24-Oct 23): This is one of those unusual periods when the planets seem prepared to allow you to get on with your life unmolested by dramatic interruptions or lack of sympathy from other people. This week, it’s certainly very pleasant to be reminded that you’re in control, but also that your emotional state is improving.
Scorpio (Oct 24-Nov 22): It’s an excellent moment if you’re willing to team up with partners in an honest and equal relationship. But, if you settle for confrontation, you must be prepared to come off badly and recreate a past you thought had gone forever. It will soon be time to get on with the next stage of your most personal plans.
Sagittarius (Nov 23-Dec 22): Serious Saturn, the great planet of authority and experience, is sending you solid support over the coming week. You will have time to establish new initiatives and relationships very soon but, in the meantime, you will be given a second shot at something you failed to accomplish last year. That alone makes all recent delays worth the wait.
Capricorn (Dec 23-Jan 20): All those personal arrangements which seemed unlikely a short while ago will come to seem more desirable as time passes. Recent decisions may have been highly complicated yet, rest assured, you’ll have a chance to change your mind soon, perhaps helped by a new friend or colleague as last week gives way to this.
Aquarius (Jan 21-Feb 19): Friendly arrangements will bring practical gains assuming, of course, that they are made on a business-like basis over the week. Plus, committee work or involvement in a group fighting for a common cause, will become a more attractive proposition. Familiarise yourself with changing circumstances and you will know what you must do next.
Pisces (Feb 20-Mar 20): Usually, your ambitions focus on personal happiness. Yet, as you face the coming period, then it’s clear that, career-wise, everything is conspiring in your favour and if, in the short term, you meet more than your share of obstacles and burdens, you can be sure that, in the long run, you’re being primed for great success.