Horoscope of the week

Aries (Mar 21-Apr 20): You need to hang on to your principles, but much still revolves around money. You feel that you should not be in the business of making other people happy, but of securing your own interests. It is about time that you put yourself first, so don’t feel guilty.
Taurus (Apr 21-May 21): You must be prepared for frank and open debate! You may wish that everything were sweetness and light, but it’s far better to face up to causes of disagreement. There’s little to be gained from papering over the cracks. In the long-term, life is running your way, so you can afford to relax.
Gemini (May 22-June 21): You are famous for your good ideas but, also, in many people’s opinion, for the ease with which you change your mind. However, it’s now important to be consistent and realise that your plans must be capable of practical implementation.
Cancer (June 22-July 23): Passions are mounting. This obviously means that romantic dalliances could develop a momentum of their own. It also indicates, though, that all your creative powers should now be at a peak. Cancerian artists – and that include all of you – will be exploring new avenues or expertise. The results could benefit your business life.
Leo (July 24-Aug 23): Power struggles are inevitable, most likely at home or within your family. Never imagine that you are completely faultless, for, even inadvertently, you have contributed to current, awkward emotional situations. An older, or more experienced, partner, will come to your aid.
Virgo (Aug 24-Sept 23): It’s difficult to focus on details at the moment and you should be setting off on a fact-finding expedition at work. According to all indications you’ll do well in serious discussions and meetings, but don’t be thrown by people who are out to shock you. Family matters could benefit from some of your sensitive and intuitive skills.
Libra (Sept 24-Oct 23): If you have a spare moment, you may celebrate Jupiter’s presence in intriguing parts of your chart by buying yourself a treat or two. Your pleasure may be slightly marred by a hint of provocation in the financial department. Yet, all the signs suggest that a cash crisis will pass with a partner’s support. That’s the week’s good news!
Scorpio (Oct 24-Nov 22): Planet is piling upon planet, star upon star, and you may be experiencing a welcome rise in energy. However, there are too many choices. If you really can’t decide what you should be doing, it is perfectly acceptable to surrender to circumstances and let fate take its course.
Sagittarius (Nov 23-Dec 22): Your fantasy life appears to be extremely powerful at present. There’s nothing wrong with this, just as long as you don’t imagine that what you believe to be true really is true. As the days pass, fact and fiction begin to follow completely separate paths.
Capricorn (Dec 23-Jan 20): Your stars mean business, and friends and acquaintances are set to take life extremely seriously and, at any moment, an otherwise light-hearted situation can become extremely intense. What happens in the end is very much up to you, and your emotional wisdom and experience will be thoroughly tested.
Aquarius (Jan 21-Feb 19): Discussions and decisions which take place over the current period will be dominated by the Moon, and that means you’ll be making rational choices on the basis of your instincts and feelings. And that’s no easy feat! Your judgment may be good, but think before you speak!
Pisces (Feb 20-Mar 20): It’s time to catch up with a few basic life-lessons. It looks very much as if you may have been taking other people for granted, or otherwise under-valuing their gifts and qualities. You would do well to reconsider your habits and preconceptions. n -Weekend Plus Desk