Home remedies to get rid of blackheads, naturally

Weekend Plus Desk :
Are you plagued by those pesky blackheads that keep recurring on your face, and loathe to visit the parlour ever so often to get them removed? Well, that need not always be the case since there are perfectly effective natural remedies that will help you resolve the problem in the comfort of your own home.
Now, blackheads, or open comedones, are small bumps that appear when hair follicles become clogged with oil, dirt, dead skin cells, and other impurities. These occur most commonly on the nose, face, chin, chest, back and shoulders. As is the case with all such skin-related issues, going the natural way is always recommended. Ingredients such as cinnamon and egg whites can work wonders for keeping your skin clear and blackhead-free, while adding a bit of glow as well. It’s a win-win situation, isn’t it?
Cinnamon: Cinnamon has anti-bacterial properties that can be used as an aromatic face mask to halt the growth of bacteria and fungi. It can also be used as a body scrub for a smoother, more glowing complexion apart from eliminating flaky skin as well as acne.
Baking soda: Baking soda isn’t just for baking or keeping your refrigerator smelling fresh. It is amphoteric, which means that it helps neutralise any pH imbalances on the skin, which is the most common cause of acne. Baking soda also has mild anti-inflammatory and antiseptic properties, which help to reduce the size of pimples.
Egg whites: Egg whites offer numerous firming and toning benefits for the skin. They’re rich in albumin and protein, which have skin toning properties apart from promoting wrinkle-free skin. They are especially good for oily skin and hair since they help tighten skin and minimise pores that secrete too much sebum. This method draws out sebum and pulls out any deep within the pores.
Honey: Honey is made of both antiseptic and antibacterial properties that help remove blackheads by destroying impurities that clog pores, making it another great option for those with acne related blackheads. It is also useful as a natural antibiotic because it hydrates the pores for a clearer complexion.
Green tea: Now, this works wonders since you can drink it to detoxify yourself, and apply it for a smooth skin. It not only diminishes oil and irritation on the skin, but serves to secure it from future harm. Green tea also protects against sun damage acting on the free radicals and also reduces inflammation. The polyphenols present in green tea slow down the appearance of the signs of ageing. n