Home Minister, Secretary and IGP receive vaccine


Staff Reporter :
The people are taking the coronavirus vaccine ignoring the rumors. There is nothing to be afraid of with the coronavirus vaccine, said Home Ministar Asaduzzaman Khan Kamal.
He made such remarks at the Rajarbagh Police Lines Auditorium after taking the corona vaccine around 11:30 am on Monday.
At the same time, Mostafa Kamal Uddin, senior secretary at the public security department of the Ministry of Home
Affairs and the inspector general of police (IGP) Benazir Ahmed also took the corona vaccine.
All three were under 30-minute observation. However, no side effects were noticed at this time.
After taking the vaccine, the home minister said that people have spread various rumors after the vaccination. But due to the foresight of Prime Minister Sheikh Hasina, the number of deaths with covid-19 has also come down today.
The police hospital has played an important role in bringing the Corona situation under control, said Asaduzzaman Khan Kamal and adding that this police hospital has become a modern hospital and everyone who has taken this service will remember it. The police hospital is not lagging behind in vaccinating coronavirus.
The police have served as the frontline in the coronavirus epidemic. They did not panic about the infection. Although the police attacked themselves, the police members also came forward for people, he added.
The Home Minister said that many people were spreading misleading information whether the corona vaccine would come to Bangladesh or not. There was no benefit in spreading any confusion. Vaccines have arrived in Bangladesh on time and are being given to the people.
Many countries have not yet received the corona vaccine. Corona vaccination is underway across the country. There is nothing to be afraid of with vaccines. Everyone can get vaccinated without fear. Make the country coronavirus free with vaccines, he said.
There are 18 booths set up at Rajarbagh Police Lines for vaccination. Three thousand people are being vaccinated every day. Apart from the police members, the general public can also come here through registration and get vaccinated.
