Holy Ramzan: Holy Quran : Guidance to mankind

Abdul Muqit Chowdhury :
Holy Ramzan is the most sacred month and Lailatul Qadr (popularly known as Shab-e-Qadr) is the most sacred night of the month. The Holy Quran ‘Guidance to mankind’ was revealed in this night. Because of this, the night reached the peak

of sacredness. So it is observed with due religious fervour.
The Holy Quran reveals :
“We have revealed this (Message) in the Night of Power and what will explain to thee what the Night of Power is ? The Night of Power is better than a thousand months.”
The greatest importance of the Holy Quran as the eternal and universal guidance for mankind has raised the night to greatest height. According to the Scripture : … whoever follows My Guidance, no fear shall come upon them, nor shall they grieve.” (2:38)
Holy Quran is the Code of life and Message of human fraternity, peace and harmony. It is the comprehensive guideline for personal, social, national, international; material and spiritual; worldly and unworldly life of humanity. So, this occasion claims joy of the whole mankind.
The complete Message and Way of Allah revealed in the Holy Quran got its reflection in the most noble character of Hazrat Muhammad (Sm), Messenger of Mercy and Blessing. His character has been mentioned in the Quran as ‘Uswatun Hasana’ ‘the best character (ideal)’. It is called ‘Sunnah’. The Quran-revelation from Allah and Sunnah-ideal demonstrated by Rasulullah (Sm), will lead humanity towards cherished goal of universal peace and brotherhood.
The Holy verses of Quran bear testimony to its sacredness, purity and preservation by Allah as before: “It is for Us to collect it.” 175:17) “(It is recorded) on honoured leaves, exalted purified”. (80:13-14) “Nobody touches it, except the purified”. (56:79) “When you recite the Quran, seek refuge in Allah from Satan, the rejected.” (18:98) “And now we have put you (Oh Muhammad) on the clear way (Shariah) of (our) the command : So, follow it, and follow not the whims of those who know not”. (45:18) “It is absolute truth.” (69-51) These quotations are from the Divine Scripture. These speak of the purity and authenticity of Al Quran.
Among hundreds of great thinkers of different ages, we quote here a single comment of a non-Muslim Jurist thinker, C.J. Weeramantry: “The Quran was written down in the lifetime of the Prophet, unlike the scriptures of the major religions which were recorded long after the lives of their founders– the Buddhist doctrine after the life Buddha and the Christian Gospels after the life of Christ.” (Islamic Jurisprudence, C.J. Weeramantry, p.5) “The text has stood un-altered and unalterable for nearly fourteen centuries’. (Ibid, p.7)
Inspite of the fact that we believe in the most sacredness of Al Quran and claim to be the followers of this ‘Absolute truth’, we have deviated far from the doctrines and rituals.
Here lies the cause of our world-wide disaster.
Let us recite the Holy Quran more and more in Ramzan. It will be better if we try to understand this universal and eternal Message and apply it in our practical lives.
We should take the vow to follow the Quran and Sunnah for emancipation in this world and Salvation Hereafter.
On this most gracious occasion, we bow down our heads to Almighty Allah for Divine Mercy, Forgiveness and Salvation.
