Commentary: Holocaust being committed against Muslims in Syria


Peace and war can’t go together. The six days of air strikes and rebel shelling in Aleppo, an ancient Syrian city in the west and now split amidst a ceasefire, left at least 246 people killed in government aerial bombardment and heavy rebels shelling.
It is not just Assad forces who are killing Syrians, but Russia, America and rebel forces are also freely killing. Some are killing the Syrians in the name of helping them and others like Russia in the name of helping Assad.
It is a shame that the global community is watching in silent when dozens of people were killed and lying under the rubble and the Civil Defense could not dig out the bodies as the TV footage showed. A resident on the government-held area in the city said shells were falling like rain everywhere. The bombing on the Aleppo Hospital alone left more than 50 people dead including women, children and staff doctors that bears all signs of a war crime. In fact the entire city bears the marks of war crimes. The barbaric act of killings and destructions were repeatedly carried out over several days. In fact, the entire Syria is a devastated and divided — country and towns burnt, infrastructure destroyed and people uprooted from the homes. They are being killed and slaughtered, and forced to leave the country. Meanwhile over 2,70,000 people lost lives in the war and over five millions became homeless refugees, many swimming across the Mediterranean to move to safely in Europe.
It can clearly be compared with holocaust being committed and tolerated internationally. But since the major powers are having their hands behind the tragedy, they are sidetracking the crimes under various peace making games.
 Many blame the Russians for the extended tragedy since the Bashar al-Assad regime is nothing but a proxy of the Russian interest.
In the war in Syria the major players are Russia and the USA with their local allies carrying out the proxy war. The Syrians are utterly robbed and betrayed and made victims in their home country. Their revolution for a democratic change to rescue the country by removing the despotic rule of Bashar al-Assad family, which is in power over the past 44 years, has been lost to big powers intrigues.
The Syrians are now fleeing the country to overcrowd in the European Union and other places for humanitarian shelter while Russian and US leaders are negotiating how to protect their interest first over the country before ending the war and allowing the people to return. Russian physical intervention has already made the situation complex while the US is leg dragging without a clear strategy to face the Russian in the ground.  
Muslims in Syria are subjected to mass killing but real help should have come from the Western human rights protecting countries but they are complaining of Syrian refugees without caring to understand that the Syrians are not economic migrants. They have been forced to leave their country for mass murder being committed by all sides.
Hitler is still condemned for mass killing of Jews, but the indiscriminate killing of the Muslims in Syria is seen as global politics without any urgency to stop it. Muslims are discriminated.
