Commentary: ‘Hitler like Assad’ must face fate of Hitler


As the Syrian war drags on and the Geneva-2 peace talks in recent weeks failed to broker a lasting truce, except allowing the children and old people to leave the beleaguered city of Homs, the brutalities of the Bashar al-Assad government forces are taking a new turn. With over 130,000 dead and several million people in refugees camps in the neighbouring countries in Turkey, Jordan and Lebanon, the fate of the children who fled the war becomes more uncertain. They are having no education, no health care and moreover suffering from acute malnutrition in poor hostile living environment.  “The world risks losing a generation of Syrian children if it ignores their plight,” Malala Yousafzai – the Pakistani girl who survived from gun shots in her head in the hand of Pakistani Taliban and now champions the cause of children education all over the world, passed the alert signal Tuesday while visiting a refugee camp in Jordan. “It’s a risk to all of us if we ignore them,” she told CNN highlighting the plight of the children in refugee camp saying, they are doomed to be a lost generation in plight instead of foreseeing a bright future. UNICEF says more than five million Syrian children are at risk as a result of the war, with over a million children refugees and more than 10,000 killed. We hear Malala speaking for the Syrian children to remind the world that allowing the Syrian war and its Hitler like leader is turning the situation towards a greater catastrophe which is not only killing the present generation of Syrian people but also their future generation. Meanwhile, it appears that Bashar al-Assad is not bothered about the plight of his people. He is after expelling the rebels from cities, destroying their homes and take back important territories but not population. He does not want to take back the refugees or their children. He is rather engaged in a kind of cleansing of his opposition to make his power and his family’s future safe. Bashar al-Assad has established a kind of family monarchy. But the Syrian people want a democratic society with human dignity in place and political rights of all citizens recognized and honoured by the government that they will elect. Assad will not give election but wants his perpetual continuation. The right thing would have been that he should have fled away the country as the people have rise in revolt, but the piety is that he is killing his own people and driving them out of the land. To achieve his goals, he has not only pushed the Geneva peace talks to failure, he is now heavily using the so-called barrel bombs to destroy cities and the Syrian civilization to silence the nation. Barrel bombs is made of explosives and metal shards that explode on impact, maiming and killing people while instantly destroying buildings and mixing human bodies with bricks and rubble.While Aleppo has taken the worst of it, Syrian helicopters are now pounding the barrel bombs on Aleppo, Yarmoud and on opposition stronghold around Damascus, pushing thousands of refugees into Lebanon.Valerie Amos, the UN Coordinator for Humanitarian Assistance said over 500,000 people were believed to have fled Aleppo in recent weeks and that twice that many could end up trapped in the city as the fighting advances. With the failure of the Geneva talks, UN and Arab League mediator Lakhdar Brahimi has said he is sorry for failing to bring any lasting peace to the Syrian people. His only success is that he was able to rescue old people, women and children from the Homs city and that both sides agreed to sit again, however without a date. The US secretary of state John Kerry has meanwhile blamed Assad for torpedoing the peace talks but Russian Foreign Minister Sargai Labrov blamed the US for it showing that big power politics is hindering the Syrian people to find a solution to their problems. President Obama is learnt to be frustrated about the Syrian crisis going unresolved. But he hesitates that the use force cannot be the answer against the brutal force of Assad.We want to see America’s leadership for the cause of humanity in Syria. Assad is ruthless killer, to him the land of Syria is everything. It should be clear that for a man who does not care that Syria belongs to the people and not to Assad, no peaceful solution can be expected. The West did not destroy the big Hilter to tolerate the small Hitler. Assad must face the fate he deserves.
