Hillary likely to announce her presidential bid soon


PTI, Washington :Former US Secretary of State Hillary Clinton is expected to announce her 2016 presidential bid as early as this weekend, according to media reports.Mrs Clinton, 67, would be making her second bid to the top executive post after she lost to current US President Barack Obama in the Democratic presidential primary race in 2008.”Hillary Clinton will end years of speculation about her political ambitions and formally announce she is running for president as early as this weekend,” The Wall Street Journal reported quoting unnamed people.According to reports, Mrs Clinton’s team has recently signed lease for office space in Brooklyn, which is expected to be her campaign headquarters.However, there was no official comment from her Office.Hillary Clinton, the wife of former President Bill Clinton, will enter the race as the clear front-runner for the Democratic presidential nomination, and is leading all her possible Republican opponents in early polls.A recent poll by ABC News and Washington Post showed Mrs Clinton ahead of potential Republican candidate Jeb Bush by a 54-to-40 per cent margin in a prospective match-up, a media report said.
