Hillary emails declared `top secret`


BBC online :Twenty-two emails sent through Hillary Clinton’s unsecured home server while she was secretary of state contained government secrets, US officials say.The State Department said the messages were “top secret” and could not be released.Spokesman John Kirby said the emails were not marked classified at the time they were sent.Mrs Clinton’s use of a personal email as secretary of state has dogged her bid for the US presidency.Mrs Clinton, who is seeking the Democratic nomination for the 2016 election, has been under fire for using a private computer server for work emails while in office.Thousands of those emails have been released by the State Department, but this is the first time her messages have been labelled classified at any level.Her campaign reacted angrily to the announcement, demanding that the emails be released in full.”This appears to be over-classification run amok,” it said in statement.It comes three days before she competes in the Iowa presidential caucuses – the first time the public will cast their votes in the run-up to November’s election.Messages were marked “top secret” because they would cause “exceptionally grave” damage to national security if disclosed, the State Department said.
