Hillary Clinton calls for renewed assault weapons ban

The Guardian :
Hillary Clinton attacked congressional Republicans for what she called a ‘totally incomprehensible’ refusal to address lax gun laws.
Hillary Clinton has called for the reinstatement of the assault weapons ban in the wake of the worst mass shooting in American history that left 50 people and the gunman dead at a gay
nightclub in Orlando, Florida.
In forthright comments a day after the massacre at the Pulse Club, the presumptive presidential nominee for the Democratic party issued a call for a return to “commonsense gun safety reform” and lambasted the Republican-controlled Congress for what she called a “totally incomprehensible” refusal to address the country’s lax gun laws.
“We can’t fall into the trap set up by the gun lobby that says if you cannot stop every shooting you shouldn’t try to stop any,” she said.
Clinton’s tough stance on gun control sets up a torrid fight with her Republican rival for the White House Donald Trump, who has positioned himself as a champion of the second amendment and dismissed any calls for greater gun controls as weakness. She insisted that while she did believe that law-abiding American citizens have the right to own guns, it was also possible to see that “reasonable, commonsense measures” could be taken that would make people more safe from guns. Rattling off all the ways that Florida allows the proliferation of guns – the state doesn’t regulate assault weapons or large-capacity magazines, doesn’t require a permit to buy a gun or oblige owners of weapons to be licensed – she said: “That’s a lot of ‘nots’. I believe strongly that commonsense gun safety reform across our country would make a difference. We know the gunman used a weapon of war to shoot down at least 50 innocent Americans.”
Analysis Orlando gunman known to FBI shows difficulty of ‘lone wolf’ cases Omar Mateen was interviewed and placed under surveillance but connection to Florida man who became suicide bomber was ‘minimal’ The shooter, Omar Mateen, entered the Pulse Club at 2am on Sunday morning carrying an AR-15 style assault weapon and a semi-automatic handgun. He also carried large quantities of ammunition, all purchased legally using a gun permit that he had acquired as a licensed security guard despite having been interviewed by the FBI three times in 2013 and 2014 for suspected links to terrorist ideas or individuals.