Higher corona risk looming in flood affected areas but health workers have no worry

WITH river erosion taking a devastating turn in a few areas in the country’s flood-hit northern region, the waterborne diseases are spreading in those areas adding further inflict to the flood-hit people. Around 5000 people were affected by diarrhea, skin disorder, eye inflammation, and bronchitis during three weeks of flooding in the low-lying flood-affected areas. The Directorate General of Health Services (DGHS) also reported 67 deaths from drowning, diarrhea, snakebite, and lighting in this period.
The northern, north-eastern and central parts of the country experienced two rounds of floods that marooned around 2.6 million people in 18 districts. Fresh areas in some districts have been submerged as the third spell of flood hits the region. In the flood-affected areas, many people are still in waterlogged, while many others have left their homes and staying on roads, dykes, flood shelters, or other higher places. People overcrowded shelters in the flood-hit areas. They are suffering immensely, while relief activities, shelter, drinking water and medical support are highly insufficient. More than half of the people are diarrhea patients. The figure may rise further in the future.
Health experts said the relief workers should strictly follow the health guidelines while working outside due to the risk of transmission of coronavirus. There are crowds during relief distribution that posed a risk of spreading COVID-19. All parties need to keep an eye on this awkward situation. An arrangement should be in place to monitor the disease symptoms of people in water-logged areas locally or through a hotline. Workers who will visit shelters and relief camps must follow health regulations to keep the areas free from risk. In the affected areas, adequate water purification tablets and other medicines should be supplied.
The government suffers from chaos of corruption and health officials have no accountability to the people. So health officials are not concerned. Corruption and lies have made the government officials in general forgetful of their duty to the people.