Hesitancy of Western Powers has to be overcome to be trusted

President Biden’s clear warning delivered forcefully in his speech off the script is the one for which he will be remembered in history. He made this remark in Poland at the end of his European tour in the background of President Putin’s invasion of an independent country, Ukraine, for his personal ego as superpower to restore Russian imperial past.
President Biden in his whole speech draws a sharp line between democracy and dictatorship. He graphically stated the devastation recklessly caused by Russian mighty war machine before the eye of the whole world.
Civilian targets are deliberately selected to weaken the moral of the people. More than three million people fled the country to be alive. Already hundreds of men, women and children lost their lives in the brutal bombardments from the sky and tanks on the ground.
Right before the “thank yous” and “goodbyes”, Mr Biden added to say of his Russian counterpart: “For God’s sake, this man cannot remain in power.”
The substance of the observations is dangerously true if a nuclear holocaust is to be avoided. Even Russian people should be worried when their leader openly threatens to use chemical and nuclear weapons in the war of occupation of Ukraine.
Shortly after Biden’s address, however, the White House denied that Biden was calling for regime change.
“The President’s point was that Putin cannot be allowed to exercise power over his neighbors or the region. He was not discussing Putin’s power in Russia, or regime change,” a White House official told Fox News Digital shortly after the speech concluded.
There was no provocation from the Ukrainian government. President Putin denies an independent country to remain independent because once it was part of Russia and must not be allowed to join NATO alliance for Russia’s security.
By his audacious move Mr Putin has made it compulsive for Ukraine to join and seek protection of NATO.
The President Biden declared. “Ukraine will never be a victory for Russia, for free people refuse to live in a world of hopelessness and darkness.”
Ukrainian President Volodymyr Zelensky is applauded as hero for resisting the aggression from Russia along with brave Ukrainian army and people. Ukraine is no mach for fighting Russian power. Russia has flattened the country and created human havoc the world did not see after the World War II.
President Biden’s speech is significant also for the heartfelt remark offered directly to the ordinary Russians.”I’m telling you the truth: This war is not worthy of you, the Russian people.”
Deep down the war should have been waged between Putin’s Russia and NATO. Ukraine, as the cruel victim, fighting the NATO’s war against Russia. Ukraine is no doubt gets help from the USA and NATO countries but not enough President Biden during his speech also issued a stern warning: “Don’t even think about moving on one single inch of NATO territory.” Such an attempt will be met with full force of collective power, he added.
Russia’s much superior war machine has shown no mercy or concern for human rights violation and crushing the right to life of Ukrainians. Though, President Putin cannot be blamed for human rights violations, human rights having no meaning in Russian communist country. Under autocracy anywhere human rights have no relevance.
It is the power that matters for the terrorism of dictatorship. It is a silly mistake to expect that the Russian people to rise against President Putin for regime change.
It is the hesitancy of the Western powers under the leadership of the USA that has emboldened President Putin to invade Ukraine so brazenly and brutalised its people.
If President Putin can go for occupation of another country, not only for changing the regime, then why the West has to be apologetic about change of regime in Russia. President Biden later explained that change of Russian regime was not be done by them.
 Another vital question is to be raised is: Does Mr Biden think that by saving NATO the fight against dictatorship will be won? His repeated statements that the Ukrainian was in fact a war between democracy and dictatorship. America is losing trust of the countries struggling for democracy.
The Western countries should have defended the people of Ukraine strongly from the beginning to stop President Putin to go so far. The West was afraid of larger war. The same fear should have worried President Putin also had he not known the indecisiveness of the Western powers.
After failing to take over the whole country, Russia is trying to split Ukraine into two to create a Moscow-controlled region, the head of Ukrainian military intelligence said.